Occupational Therapy
The placement will involve the observation of the OT working with a patient in clinics and on a Medical Ward from 8:30 - 16:30.
You will have the opportunity to:
- Discuss with the OT regarding his or her particular role
- Observe the OT treating a patient with the patient’s consent
- Observe the OT discharging a patient with the patient’s consent
- Observe completion of reports and planning ongoing treatment
- See what equipment the OT uses
- Help keep the equipment in order
- Shadow qualified OT staff in practice
When it comes to dress code:
- It is expected that work experience candidates will arrive for duty smartly dressed.
- Clothes should allow for a range of movements. Long trousers, or a calf length skirt, should be worn with a plain polo shirt or t-shirt/short-sleeved blouse, as some areas can be quite warm.
- All tops should be bare below the elbow.
- Shoes should be supportive, cover the whole foot and be low heeled and dark in colour.
- Clothes should be changed daily to minimise the risk of cross-infection.
- Jewellery should be restricted to a pair of stud earrings.
- Long hair should be tied back and raised above the collar.
Criteria to be selected:
- You are required to be post 16
- Demonstrate a clear interest in, or be applying for a University placement, in OT.
- To be flexible, as we can only support 1 or 2 days per student.
- GCSE Science at Grade C, or 4.
- GCSE Maths at Grade D, or 4.
- GCSE English or Literature at Grade C, or 4.
- 112-120 UCAS points from A levels, including at least 32 points from either a natural science subject (such as Biology, Chemistry or Physics) or social science (Psychology or Sociology), or equivalent BTEC National Qualifications.
Criteria Information Taken From Our Partner Universities, See Link
Meet The Team

Physiotherapy Department
The placement will be for one day and include a one hour rotation through 6 specialities of physiotherapy including clinics and ward locations.
This will take place on Wednesdays from 8:30-16:00.
When it comes to dress code:
- It is expected that work experience candidates will arrive for duty smartly dressed.
- Clothes should allow for a range of movements. Long trousers, or a calf length skirt, should be worn with a plain polo shirt or t-shirt/short-sleeved blouse, as some areas can be quite warm.
- All tops should be bare below the elbow.
- Shoes should be supportive, cover the whole foot and be low heeled and dark in colour.
- Clothes should be changed daily to minimise the risk of cross-infection.
- Jewellery should be restricted to a pair of stud earrings.
- Long hair should be tied back and raised above the collar.
Criteria to be selected:
- Required that the applicant for this be post 16.
- To be studying a suitable course to lead to a successful University application for Physiotherapy.
- GCSE Science at Grade C, or 4.
- GCSE Maths at Grade D, or 4.
- GCSE English Language or Literature at Grade C, or 4.
- 128 UCAS points from A levels, including at least 40 points from either Biology, Human Biology, Physical Education, or BTEC National Extended Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science.
Criteria Information Taken From Our Partner Universities, See Link
Adult Speech and Language Therapy
Our Speech and Language Therapy department are supporting inpatient work experience with the team which will include assessing in-patients on the ward with communication and swallowing difficulties.
This is a one day placement which is available weekdays 8:30-16:30.
When it comes to dress code:
- It is expected that work experience candidates will arrive for duty smartly dressed.
- Clothes should allow for a range of movements. Long trousers, or a calf length skirt, should be worn with a plain polo shirt or t-shirt/short-sleeved blouse, as some areas can be quite warm.
- All tops should be bare below the elbow.
- Shoes should be supportive, cover the whole foot and be low heeled and dark in colour.
- Clothes should be changed daily to minimise the risk of cross-infection.
- Jewellery should be restricted to a pair of stud earrings.
- Long hair should be tied back and raised above the collar.
Criteria to be selected:
- Required that the applicant be post 16.
- To be pursing an AHP career.
- At least 5 GCSE subjects at Grade C, or 4, including English Language, Mathematics and a Science Subject.
- GCE A levels at grade ABB, excluding General Studies, Critical Thinking and Applied Science.
- B in a relevant EPQ
Criteria Information Taken From Our Partner Universities, See Link
Radiography Placement
This placement will give you an experience in the plain film imaging department.
This will be a one-day work experience taking place during the work week from 9am until 5pm.
When it comes to dress code:
- It is expected that work experience candidates will arrive for duty smartly dressed.
- Clothes should allow for a range of movements. Long trousers, or a calf length skirt, should be worn with a plain polo shirt or t-shirt/short-sleeved blouse, as some areas can be quite warm.
- All tops should be bare below the elbow.
- Shoes should be supportive, cover the whole foot and be low heeled and dark in colour.
- Clothes should be changed daily to minimise the risk of cross-infection.
- Jewellery should be restricted to a pair of stud earrings.
- Long hair should be tied back and raised above the collar.
Criteria to be selected:
- Required that the applicant be post 17.
- GCSE Science at Grade C, or 4.
- GCSE Maths at Grade C, or 4.
- GCSE English Language or Literature at Grade C, or 4.
- 128 UCAS points from A levels, or an ABB, with at least a grade B in either Biology, Physics or Chemistry.
Criteria Information Taken From Our Partner Universities, See Link
For an application, please crhft.
April 2024 Programme
The Allied Health Professional (AHP) programme took place from 8 April 2024 and was attended by 11 A-level and BTEC students from a variety of local schools and Chesterfield College.
This programme was developed by a collective of AHPs to showcase a range of professions which provide acute services to both inpatients and outpatients in the Trust.
The week involved interactive classroom activities, time spent in practice shadowing on wards as well as clinics seeing a range of services and an important opportunity to hear a patients story first hand.
The students hugely enjoyed the experience and thanked everyone in the Trust who took part in the programme by giving up their valuable time to support a great opportunity for the individual students as well as the development of our future workforce.

We are pleased to announce the introduction of an exciting new programme for 2024 featuring our Allied Health Professions.
The programme includes a more rounded view of a range of services and showcases:
- Adult Speech and Language Therapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Paediatric Therapies
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Physiotherapy
- Audiology
- Orthoptics
Morning |
Afternoon |
9am - 11am Welcome and Introductions. Hospital tour, tabard and badges.
11.15am - 12.15pm Health and Safety/Fire
1.15pm - 2.30pm Infection Control |
9am - 12pm Speech and Language Therapy (Adults) |
1pm - 4pm Occupational Therapy (Adults) |
9am - 12pm Dietetics
1pm - 4pm Speech and Language Therapy (Children) & Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (Children) |
9am - 12pm Physiotherapy (Adults) |
1pm - 4pm Orthoptics |
9am - 12pm Audiology |
1pm - 4pm Case studies Project and presentation Q&A session |