- We will ask you if you are a carer, or if someone cares for you. If we don’t please tell us.
- We will involve you when you are in hospital and when you leave. We will listen and act on your feedback.
- We will tell you about other help and support you can get.
If you need support or information regarding your caring role, you can access our Carer Liaison Worker, Rebecca Volli.
Rebecca is here to:
- Provide information and advice about your caring role
- Benefits advice
- Help you communicate with staff
- Attend discharge meetings with you
- Refer on for carer support in the community
For support, more information or an informal chat about what support is available:
- Call or text: 07825 532 952
- Email: rebecca.
volli @nhs.net
Chesterfield Royal Hospital has signed up to the Carers Charter, recognising our commitment to carers and the role they play in the treatment and care of our patients.
The charter, which supports the Key Standards the Trust has put in place for Carers, ensures that the Royal is committed to working together with the carers of patients receiving treatment at this hospital. It recognises that these carers are in a unique position because they know the patient’s personal needs and requirements daily and should be included in decisions about their care and treatment.
As a carer of a patient you can now access the Carers Passport which enables you to assist with the care of the patient (washing, dressing, feeding) should you wish to, flexible visiting where appropriate and to be involved in discussions regarding the patient's care and care planning. Ask the Matron or Sister in charge for more details.
Each ward has a Carers Champion who you can turn to for advice and who can refer you on for future support in your caring role.
If you would like feedback on your recent experience as a carer of a patient at the Royal, please use the Carers Survey link in the documents section below.
As part of our commitment to recognising and supporting our patient carers, Chesterfield Royal Hospital have developed an educational video which outlines the importance of involving carers and the pathway to referring on for future support.