Publish date: 19 December 2023

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to announce the appointment of a new Chair, Mahmud Nawaz.
Mahmud brings varied and rich experience across roles in the public and private sectors. He is currently an NHS Trust Non-Executive Director, Charity Chair, School Governor and a Multi-Academy Trust Director. He also sits on the Organ Donation Committee for two NHS Trusts and is an NHS Blood and Transplant Organ Donation Ambassador. Mahmud has recently been recognised by his peers as one of 75 national ethnic minority health leaders by both the Seacole Group / National BAME Health and Care Awards and APNA NHS (South Asian NHS Leaders Network).
Mahmud’s professional career has been focused on both management consulting and the financial services sector, where he has built a strong track record in leading on customer strategy, segmentation, experience and transformation.
He will take up his role as Chair early in 2024 and will replace Dr Helen Phillips, who has been Chair since 2015.
Mahmud, said: “The NHS holds a very special place in my heart. In 2004, my wife died of a sudden brain haemorrhage; during that time, I saw amazing compassionate care, moments that were above and beyond the ‘job’, and I got to see how engaged and involved staff were in patient lives and in really making a difference during moments of truth - it transformed how I thought about the NHS. My wife donated her organs, saved four lives including a boy of one who wouldn’t have made it to two, and ever since I’ve been an active advocate for organ donation specifically and the NHS as a whole.
“I have a passion for tackling health inequalities and ensuring everyone has the right access, experience and outcomes that they deserve - the positive work being done at Chesterfield Royal Hospital is something I am both excited about and well placed to support and lead as Chair.
“I have been truly impressed by the values of the Trust being integral to everybody’s working life on my visits to the hospital. The commitment and dedication shown by my new colleagues is both inspiring and humbling.”
Dr Hal Spencer, Chief Executive, said: “We were all very welcoming of Mahmud’s approach. I believe he will offer Chesterfield a positive and fresh approach to the challenges and opportunities we are facing. I am very much looking forward to working with him and the Board.”
Mahmud will be stepping down as Non-Executive Director from Mid-Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust after three years to support his commitments at Chesterfield.
Keith Ramsay, Chair at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust said: “I’m delighted for Mahmud in securing this new role, he has been a huge asset to our Board and his insight and knowledge will be missed, but I know that the time he has spent with us will stand him in good stead. His passion for the NHS shines through in his work and his personal experiences continue to motivate him to want the best for both staff and patients.”
Carol Warren, Lead Governor, commented: “The appointment of Chair is led by the Governors; I am very pleased that Mahmud will be joining us. His experience and approach are both inspiring and reassuring and we believe he will be a great leader to work with the Board, the Trust and the wider system.”
Mahmud’s appointment as Chair will involve a time commitment of three days a week. He has no declared political activity.