Publish date: 13 December 2023

Governor Election Results

Following our Governor Election and voting periods, six Governors have been elected to represent their colleagues’ and their community’s views on local healthcare services and help shape the future of our Trust.

  • Sheree Hall, Nursing and Midwifery
  • Toni Hoole, All Other Staff/Support Services Professionals
  • Pervaiz Iqbal, North East Derbyshire
  • John Russell, North East Derbyshire
  • Steven Bramley, Bolsover (uncontested)
  • Graham Paling, Bolsover (uncontested)

We thank Eddie Lewis, Governor for All Other Staff and Claire Whitbread, Governor for Nursing and Midwifery. Together they served one term of three years by representing their staff groups in the Council of Governors. Congratulations to Graham and Pervaiz who have retained their seats on the Council.

The Council of Governors represent the views of members of the public, patients and communities from their represented constituencies, with Staff Governors representing the views of colleagues from their represented staff groups.

The Trust’s Council of Governors hold regular meetings and visits throughout our hospital and GP surgeries, and support changes and adaptations to our services based on feedback from local constituencies and colleagues. Governors are vital in ensuring Trust services are accessible and patients and colleagues have their feedback listened to and acted upon.

Dr Helen Phillips, Trust Chair said: “We are delighted to announce our new Staff and Public Governors, who will start their roles in the New Year. Together they will bring a host of skills, knowledge and experience to the Council and their input will be really valued across the organisation.

“As a Trust, we are really looking forward to further demonstrating the incredible impact our Governors have on patient experience in our hospital and across our services, as well as listening and supporting colleagues with their feedback and suggestions to enhance patient care.

“Once again, thank you to everyone who voted, and congratulations to our new Governors. I am really looking forward to working with our new Council of Governors in 2024.”

We will share more information, including the biographies and photos of our new Governors from 1 January 2024, when they officially join the Council.