Publish date: 9 October 2023

People in Chesterfield will see the Royal Hospital’s main entrance lit up with pink and blue illuminations to show support for Baby Loss Awareness Week (9 to 15 October).

Baby Loss Awareness Week, now in its 21st year, is an opportunity for everyone in the baby loss community and beyond to come together to remember and commemorate much-loved and missed babies.

The week also provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of pregnancy and baby loss; the importance that bereavement support plays in the ongoing bereavement journey; and of the vital work that is needed to improve pregnancy outcomes and to save babies’ lives. 

Julie Clark, Bereavement Support Midwife from Chesterfield Royal Hospital said: “We hope turning the hospital pink and blue will spark conversations about baby loss and give local bereaved parents and families an opportunity to talk about their much-loved babies.”

Anyone in Chesterfield can share their photos of the Royal Hospital on social media and include the hashtag #BLAW to reach as many people as possible.

Baby Loss Awareness Week is recognised across the world and culminates with the ‘Wave of Light’ on 15 October. This is a special time when people across the world light a candle at 7pm local time and leave it burning to remember all babies that have died too soon. 

Visit to find out how you can get involved.