Publish date: 6 February 2025

There are over 75 nationalities represented in the workforce of Chesterfield Royal Hospital and, while the Trust wants everyone to have a positive experience of work, and, with the recognition that racism does happen, they set out to improve the support offered to colleagues who experience racism from other staff members, patients and visitors, and identify ways to move to becoming an anti-racist organisation.  

In early 2024, Chesterfield Royal Hospital launched its Anti-Racism Strategy, the strategy developed by a group of diverse colleagues from across the Trust, many of whom had experienced racism in their working life. The focus of the strategy was to create a workplace where people feel safe and are treated respectfully and equitably, ensuring it is a workplace where everyone feels they belong.  

One of the first priorities was to create a simple reporting pathway to make it easier for colleagues and students to report issues of bullying, racism, discrimination, and harassment. One year on, they have seen a 50% increase in reporting of incidents on the previous year.

The strategy has created opportunities for everyone to get involved; many departments have been actively involved and have taken practical steps to become more inclusive, often simply by learning more about the diverse cultural backgrounds of colleagues.

At the heart of this work, is the ambition to strive to foster great relationships at work, and the video launched to support the Anti-Racism Strategy implementation as they enter our second year will help colleagues recognise what is acceptable to ask, say and do. 

Caroline Wade MBE, Director of HR and OD said: “We are proud of our ambition to become an anti-racist organisation, and it felt important to recognise the milestone year since we launched our Anti-Racism Strategy. We have created a short film: It's ok, it’s not ok which we are delighted to share. The film highlights what is and what is not acceptable to ask, say and do. This strategy and the film have been a real labour of love for those involved and I would like to thank everyone involved for their work.”