As a Member, you can have a say on how we work as a Trust and are able to vote for your representative Governors. We want you to share your views and thoughts in supporting the work of the Trust depending on what you’re interested in and how you want to hear from us.
You can become a Member by entering your details on our online registration form.
Alternatively, you can contact our Membership Office on 01246 513217 or email CRHFT.
Membership is free and open to anyone over 16. By being a Member, you choose how and when you get involved.
Levels of Membership Involvement
We consult with members for their opinions through patient and public involvement work. Read our Membership & Engagement Strategy to find out more about our aims and ambitions.
How much members get involved is entirely up to them.
This is the default level which everybody will automatically join when they sign up to the new approach.
- You will receive information regarding the annual Governor elections, in which you are eligible to stand for election as a Governor and to vote for the Council of Governors.
- You may attend events, such as the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) and Health and Information talks.
- You may attend the Council of Governor meetings and ask questions (this is also open to members of the public).
- If you give us an email address, you will receive an email newsletter update about the Trust and the Council of Governors.**
**If you don’t give us an email address, you can still be a member and vote in and stand for Governor elections and can keep in touch with developments at the Trust via the Trust website or social media or contact the Membership and Governor officer at the Trust with any questions.
This level is only available for Members who have provided an email address.
- You will have the same benefits as Level 1, but;
- You may also be invited to participate in surveys, questionnaires, open days, and meetings. These are, of course, optional.
This level is only available for Members who have provided an email address.
- You will have the same benefits as Levels 1 and 2, but;
- You may also be invited to participate in volunteering, patient experience workshops, and meetings with Board members or Governors. These are, of course, optional.
We are encouraging all Members to go digital, by providing us with an email address in order that we can communicate with you electronically rather than by post.
Going digital is not only environmentally friendly, and cost-effective for the Trust, it also provides you with more opportunities for getting involved.
We are committed to ensuring that we process your personal information fairly and lawfully. The changes don't alter the way we use and protect your personal data but make it easier for you to find out how we use it. The data you supply will be used only to contact you about the Trust, membership or other related issues and will be stored in accordance with the current Data Protection Act.
If, in the future, you decide you no longer wish to be a member or receive communications, you can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing or writing to us. You can also remove, reapply, or change the level of membership at any time by contacting us.