Child playing CRH 2023.jpgThe Vulnerable Children and Young People Team co-ordinate the health care of Children in Care and Care Leavers by working in partnership with other professionals and agencies, to enable each child and young person to be as healthy as possible and have the ability to reach their full potential throughout their life.

Derbyshire Children in Care Team

A team of Doctors, Nurses and Administration Staff addressing and coordinating the health services for Children and Young People who are in care.

Children and Young People in Care share many of the same health risks and problems as their peers, but often to a greater degree. They often enter care with a worse level of health than their peers in part due to the impact of poverty, abuse and neglect.

Statutory Guidance on Promoting the Health and Wellbeing of Looked After Children D O H (2009)

  • Carry out statutory Health Assessments
  • Provide Individual Health Care Plans outlining actions
  • Provide a Named Nurse for every child and young person in care
  • Promote and encourage healthy lifestyle options
  • Offer healthcare advice and support to children, young people and their carers
  • Refer to other agencies as indicated
  • Liaise closely and provide advice to Social Care and other health professionals
  • Offer medical and health advice to Adoption and Fostering
  • Panels to inform around decision making
  • Provide a Named Nurse to Local Authority/Private Residential Children's Homes
  • Provide a Health History Summary for every child and young person leaving care.
  • Work closely with the Designated Professionals for Children in
  • Care to help influence strategic direction to develop health services and improve outcomes for Children in Care

Named Nurse Integration Pathways Team

As Named Nurse Integration Pathways Team my role is to meet the health needs of young people aged 5 years to 16 years following their permanent exclusion from mainstream school. My work takes me across North Derbyshire and covers a wide variety of educational provisions.  Referrals to me come from parents, teachers, social workers, nurses and the young people themselves and I aim to offer a safe and supportive service. My work involves working with vulnerable young people on a one-to-one basis or as part of a group. I offer support about physical, emotional and sexual health along with working alongside other agencies to ensure the best possible care at all times.

Mandy Brown, Named Nurse Integration Pathways Team
Telephone: 07760 178090

The Named Nurse Youth Offending Service

Young people entering the Youth Justice System are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. Young people who offend share many of the same risks and problems of their peers but they often enter the youth justice system with a worse level of health due to experiences of poverty, abuse and neglect. They have poorer health and educational outcomes compared to the general childhood population with corresponding adverse impacts on their life opportunities.

The Named Nurse's major goal is to provide a quality service to meet the needs of these young people, to improve their health outcomes to enable them to be as healthy as any child in Derbyshire.

The Named Nurse provides a health service for all young people who are subject to a court order living in North Derbyshire. Each young person is offered a confidential health assessment to discuss any health concerns they may have. Based on healthy outcomes an individual health care plan is drawn up with the young person to address and support with any health needs.

The young person is able to access the nurse for advice and support throughout their involvement with the service. Hopefully, young people will leave the service with the tools to enable them to make healthier lifestyle choices.

Andrea Phillip, Named Nurse for Youth Offending Service
Telephone: 07771 742291