The Urology team at Chesterfield Royal Hospital (CRH) offers a wide range of high-quality services for all patients who are suspected or proven to have urological cancer, this includes cancers of the prostate, kidney, bladder, testicles and penis.

For patients with a suspected or proven tumour affecting the prostate, bladder, kidneys or testicles we provide investigations, treatment planning and in some cases treatment provisions, ensuring ongoing support throughout the patient pathway. For these patients, the urology services at Chesterfield follow a multidisciplinary team model and work in conjunction with the regional specialist cancer teams based in Sheffield. This means that all patients who are found to have urological cancer benefit from the opinion of a panel of experts when their treatment is planned.

The diagnosis of urological cancer and the assessment of its extent (staging) is organised from Chesterfield, whilst the location of definitive treatments can vary. Some cancer treatments and surgical procedures will be provided at Chesterfield, however, others may be provided in Sheffield. Some operations are performed at The Royal Hallamshire Hospital and some oncological systemic treatments and radiotherapy will be delivered at Weston Park Hospital. 

The precise treatment offered depends on the cancer type and its extent at the time of diagnosis. Once staging is complete, patients are provided with full information to help them decide which of the choices in treatment they prefer. 

The investigations for urological cancers can be invasive, and the urology team recognises that this can be a challenging time for patients. The team works hard to ensure that tests are performed in a co-ordinated fashion and that a treatment plan is devised as quickly as possible. Cancer nurse specialists play a central role in keeping patients informed of their progress during this period. They are also readily available to contact by telephone to answer questions or provide general support. 

For patients who attend Chesterfield Royal Hospital with suspected penile cancer, their care will be transferred straight to Leeds, therefore following initial consultation Leeds will provide all further investigations and treatment. 

Leeds Hospital is the local specialist area for penile cancer, the transfer or care to this team ensures the most specialist and timely management for our patients.

Patients are referred to the urology services via many routes depending upon their symptoms. For example, patients with blood in their urine will be referred by their GP to attend a flexible cystoscopy. For example, patients who have a raised prostate-specific antigen  (PSA) blood result level will come to an outpatient clinic in the first instance to identify if further investigations are required. 

Whatever the type of the first attendance, all appointments will be at the Chesterfield Royal Hospital in either suite 1 or the urology suite. 

The exact sequence of tests varies depending on the type of cancer and we realise that the period whilst these are completed is often stressful. However, to be offered the best treatment it is important that these investigations are performed. Patients suspected of having cancer are given the highest priority and their tests are completed as soon as possible. 

We realise that this can be a stressful time for patients and their families and we aim to ensure that every patient who receives a new diagnosis of likely cancer will be able to meet with a CNS at the time that diagnosis is given. Your Cancer Nurse Specialist will provide details of how you can contact them, along with additional support and information. 

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes, please do.

We appreciate the need for patients to be fully supported and our aim is to enable this whenever possible. Please be aware that our consultation rooms are often small and we cannot accommodate large numbers of family members or friends under normal circumstances.

It is helpful if you can ensure that you are accompanied by the same family member or friend on each attendance.

Please note, that relatives or friends are not able to be present whilst flexible cystoscopies, biopsies, CT, MRI or bone scans are being performed.

A flexible cystoscopy will take place within the urology department and it will be performed by one of our specialist urology team, a chaperone will also be present. We have male and female specialists on our team. You will be required to undress from the waist down, gowns will be provided, and we will do our utmost to ensure your dignity and privacy are maintained throughout. 

The procedure involves a tube containing a miniature telescope being passed down the urethra (water pipe), so the Dr or nurse can examine the inside of your bladder. The procedure itself only takes a few minutes, but you should expect to be in the urology department for roughly 30 minutes. 

For many of our patients who are referred directly for a flexible cystoscopy, the test is reassuring and no cancer is found. However, if cancer or suspicion is detected the Specialist urology team member will discuss this with you at the time and arrange any further procedures or tests that may be required. 

Other patients will be asked to attend a consultation before any specific tests are booked. Outpatient attendances usually last for 15-20 minutes but you should plan to be at the hospital for longer. 

During these appointments, the specialist doctor or nurse will ask you some questions about your symptoms and your general health. Please bring a list of any medication that you are currently taking. The doctor or specialist nurse may also want to examine you this may require you to undress from the waist downwards, a chaperone will be present and we will do our utmost to ensure your dignity and privacy is maintained throughout. 

Depending on symptoms, some patients will be offered further investigations these can include CT scans, ultrasound, MRI and bone scans.

For patients who are visiting to discuss a suspicion of prostate cancer, they may also be advised to have a prostate biopsy. A prostate biopsy involves taking small samples (biopsies) of tissue from your prostate gland. The samples are then sent to be examined under a microscope by a specialist. 

Prostate biopsies can be taken in two different ways, the specialist will discuss this with you in more detail and advise the best option for you.