Your initial appointment will take place on the Women’s Health Unit, located on the first floor in the Scarsdale Wing.
This will involve you having an ultrasound scan (this can be done abdominally or vaginally), a consultation and possible examinations with a doctor and then a further discussion with a nurse. We may also need you to have some blood taken.
This consultation will allow you to decide whether to proceed with a termination/abortion and which method may be best for you. It is unlikely that your termination will be completed on the same day. However, we do aim to complete any procedure as quickly as possible.
- Your appointment may last for 1-2 hours, so please allow plenty of time.
- A termination can be carried out in different ways. We will discuss this with you during your consultation, but you may want to have a read through our patient information leaflets before attending the hospital.
We offer termination up to 17 weeks and 5 days. If you are over this stage, we will advise you on your options.
It is important that before commencing any treatment or procedure, that you are sure this is the right decision for you. If there is any doubt we will arrange a follow-up appointment for you, to allow you to consider the decision more.
If you change your mind after arranging a date, that is not a problem. Please contact us so we can potentially offer this appointment to another patient.
Any procedure that is carried out in hospital is confidential and we will not discuss it with anyone, unless we have your permission.
The only exclusion to this is that we may be concerned about any child exploitation or safeguarding concerns. We write to the person who referred you to the clinic, or your GP if you self-referred.