Point of Care Testing SystemPoint of Care Testing (PoCT) is any analytical test performed by non-laboratory healthcare professionals at the point of patient care or a site near to the patient, and outside of a conventional laboratory setting.

Testing in this way can give faster access to test results so that clinical decisions can be made immediately with improved care pathways.

PoCT is carried out in a wide range of care settings, in primary care, the community and secondary care (in hospitals), supporting the delivery of the right care in the right place at the right time. It also supports the NHS Improvement development program Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT).

Point of Care Tests within the Trust

CRH Pathology-22.jpgPoint of Care tests typically involve testing whole blood, urine, other fluids or swabs. POCT is often accomplished through the use of transportable, portable, and handheld instruments, such as blood glucose and ketone meters or INR meters. Benchtop analysers are also available for blood gas, pH, electrolyte, haemoglobin measurement (co-oximetry), glucose and lactate analysis. Urinalysis analysers are also available for rapid and accurate urine testing or strips can be visually read. There are also urine analysers which are used to test for pregnancy. Rapid Molecular testing is also now available to test for viruses, such as Influenza A and B.

North Derbyshire’s Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) is now offering Point-of-Care Testing (POCT). We are developing end-to-end connectivity for POCT results, meaning they will be rapidly available in the patient's electronic record.

The NHS Long Term Plan highlights the importance of shifting from a traditional model of hospital-based services, towards a more community-based approach. This POCT service, and the other enhanced services at our CDCs across Derbyshire, ensure our patients have access to care and services closer to home, and in their community.

North-Derbyshire CDC, located at Whitworth Hospital (Darley Dale, Matlock) offers point-of-care tests for:

  • INR (International Normalised Ratio)
  • Creatinine/eGFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)
  • CRP (C-Reactive Protein)
  • Blood gas
  • Urine hCG and dipstick
  • HbA1c
  • ACR (albumin to creatinine ratio)
  • FBC (full blood count)
  • U&E (Urea and electrolytes)

Please contact Derbyshire Pathology to discuss your needs, and find out how you can access this equipment for your patients by emailing: CRHFT.POCTmanager@nhs.net

Routine Hours (08:45 – 17:30 Mon - Fri)

For issues and new development requests you can contact the POCT team by email any time, and we will respond as soon as possible: CRHFT.POCTmanager@nhs.net.