The Surgery, Critical Care and Amputee Physiotherapy team uses a range of therapeutic interventions to facilitate patient progression in their rehabilitation journey. This may include techniques for airway clearance, assessment of core strength and promoting early exercise and mobility.

We encourage family participation in rehabilitation and involvement in therapy goal-setting.

The critical care Physiotherapists work closely as part of the multidisciplinary team with Occupational Therapy, Rehab Practitioners, Speech and Language Therapy and the Medical and Nursing team.  The team provides acute respiratory care to people admitted to the Intensive Therapy Unit and High Dependency Unit, as well as providing early rehabilitation of physical mobility and function. 

The physiotherapy team completes assessments of people on the surgical wards to promote a return to function and mobility.  This may comprise of post-operative respiratory care, early mobilisation, prescription of walking aids, stairs assessments and referrals to other services e.g. community physiotherapy or adult care.

If you are undergoing a lower limb amputation you will be assessed post-operatively on the ward to establish an appropriate transfer technique and alongside our Occupational Therapy colleagues, assessments will be carried out to help plan your discharge from hospital.  This may involve a visit to your home to assess wheelchair access and other equipment.

Following discharge from hospital, the outpatient amputee service offers ongoing rehabilitation including an introduction to early walking aids.  Where appropriate the physiotherapists will work with the prosthetic service at Derby or Sheffield, to prepare and rehabilitate those with a prosthetic limb.