The outpatient respiratory Physiotherapy service provides assessment and management for people with a broad range of respiratory conditions. These therapies aim to improve airway clearance, reduce feelings of breathlessness and correct disordered breathing patterns. Assessment and therapy is delivered through both virtual and face-to-face options.

Long Covid Rehabilitation

This is a multidisciplinary team that help people with post-COVID syndrome. You may be referred to the rehabilitation team following your assessment in the Post covid assessment service.

The rehabilitation team can help you manage symptoms such as fatigue, breathlessness and cognitive changes, as well as help support your return to work, or other roles in your day-to-day life.

The rehabilitation service comprises:

Physiotherapy - The physiotherapists in the hubs can help to explore your physical problems following covid i.e. breathlessness and exercise tolerance.  The team may work with you to develop a breathing exercise program, start a reconditioning program, and sign post you to other physiotherapy specialities as required.

Occupational Therapy - Occupational Therapists look at functional activities and how your current condition impacts on these areas. This may involve physical, cognitive, social and psychological aspects. Occupational Therapists can support you with fatigue management, work rehabilitation, appropriate adjustments to lifestyle, and environment and support you and your family to optimise your abilities whilst recovering from the effects of long covid.

Psychology - In the hubs, we have a mix of psychologists and psychology assistants. The psychology team work with the other professionals in the team to support engagement in rehabilitation. The psychology team may not necessarily see every patient directly; however, they work closely with the team to support your needs.

Therapy Practitioners Work alongside the therapy teams to support your rehabilitation and fatigue management.