The ACTT (Acute Care Therapy Team) comprises both Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists with support staff including assistants and technical instructors. Each team member has a broad range of specialist skills; therefore, you will usually only require assessment from one of the team.

The team are based in the ‘Acute Care Area’ and covers the Emergency Department, Emergency Management Unit, Short Stay Unit, Medical Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC), the Acute Frailty Unit, Frailty SDEC and Pearson Ward (frailty ward).  

The ethos of ACTT is ‘Home First’ and assessments are carried out to support early discharge from hospital or to prevent admission into the hospital. A range of assessments may be undertaken which include obtaining a social history, completing transfers, and mobility and stairs assessments. 

The team provide equipment and walking aids and may refer to other services, such as adult care for care packages or community therapy for follow-up at home if this is required. 

Please discuss with medical or nursing staff if you feel you would benefit from an assessment with one of our team members.