Derbyshire Pathology is a joint contracted pathology network accountable to both Chesterfield Royal Hospital (CRH) and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton (UHDB).
We provide a high-quality and comprehensive diagnosis, monitoring and disease management service to our clinical colleagues and their patients. Pathology is involved in over 70% of diagnoses in the NHS. Using globally recognised technology to deliver fast, accurate results.
Pathology reception is open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday and provides a service for the collection of consumables and reception of specimens.
The aim of Shared Care Pathology is to optimise patient care by customising our pathology services to fit the needs of patients across Derbyshire. As part of this process, a group consisting of GPs, and Pathologists from Derbyshire Pathology have established a joint working group and have produced a series of locally agreed guidelines, looking at many disorders in which pathology plays a pivotal role.
Shared Care Pathology is led by a core group of healthcare professionals consisting of:
- Julia Forsyth, Consultant Clinical Scientist and Associate Clinical Director for Pathology.
- Helen Seddon, Lead Clinical Scientist for Shared Care Pathology.
- Penny Blackwell, Lead GP for Shared Care Pathology.
A wider working group of GPs and hospital consultants are involved in the development of individual guidelines.
Pathology services at Chesterfield
- Blood Transfusion provides blood and blood products to patients and ensures safe transfusions.
- The Mortuary provides a postmortem service and respectful storage facility for deceased patients who have sadly passed away in hospital or community.
- Blood Sciences (Chemical Pathology, Haematology and Coagulation) The combined department offers a comprehensive analytical and interpretive service to the hospital and general practitioners.
- Microbiology – The laboratory provides bacterial, viral and molecular testing.
- Point of Care Testing – Aiding tests to be performed nearer the patient.
- Phlebotomy – Samples taken via venepuncture for analysis in the laboratory.
- The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) provides international assessment of pathology departments' adherence to the quality standards described in ISO 15189.
- These standards assess the full range of the services provided by the Pathology pre/post-analytics, analytical, quality management system and advisory services provided.
- Access a list of our accredited tests by visiting the UKAS website 9308 Medical Multiple (
- Mariska Faint-Uffen, Derbyshire Pathology Quality Manager email:
The Pathology department runs its own transport service, which calls twice each day at all community hospitals and GP practices. The service collects pathology samples and delivers results/consumables, as well as internal mail and pharmaceuticals.
The Pathology department relies on the requesting clinician to meet the requirements for patient consent for any pathology investigations. Therefore, we will presume consent to have been given if the patient attends for a blood test (presents arm) or delivers a sample to the laboratory with a suitably completed request form.
Under the Human Tissue Act 2004, informed written patient consent is required for all solid tissue samples submitted to histopathology, genetic testing and for the storage of relevant material from deceased patients. If appropriate, the consent should always include a reference to its retention for further diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
Pathology samples from living patients may be stored, unless opted out, for the following purposes; Audit, education and training, performance assessment, quality assurance and anonymised research.
Patients should also be aware that their personal information (and family information where relevant, e.g. genetic testing) will be provided with all samples sent to the Pathology laboratory. All patient information and results are treated as confidential and will be stored securely with restricted access to Pathology staff to ensure compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
Pathology is based in Suite 9 towards the rear of the hospital. From the main entrance, follow the signage for the pink zone. Phlebotomy is next door to Pathology.