Our photography department provides photographic services for both inpatients and outpatients. Our photographers attend clinics, wards and theatres alongside photographing outpatients in our photographic studio space.
The Medical Illustration department is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.30-4.30pm. On Thursdays, our photographers provide support to the Ophthalmic imaging team and as such are unavailable for studio or ward appointments.
Medical Photography poses no risk to patients.
Referrals for photography must be made directly from referring clinicians or nursing staff. Requests can come directly from wards. Patients may have been given a photographic request card by their consultant or consultants may send the referral directly to the department. To book an appointment or request the photographer’s attendance please call: 01246 51 3408.
After arriving at the Medical Illustration Department, a photographer will take you to the photography studio. You may be required to remove certain clothing or jewellery and change into a hospital gown. A changing space is available. A chaperone may be present if required.
The photographer will then confirm the photography request details and will explain what is going to happen and what position you need to be in. You will either be stood up or sat on the photography stool/chair. Clear instructions will be given during the photography session. On average the photography session will last between 10-20 minutes. Some procedures require less photography so will be quicker and some require more so may take a little longer.