The hysteroscopy clinic is situated within the Women’s Health Unit, located on the first floor via the Scarsdale entrance. Your appointment lasts around 20 minutes, and it includes the time for pre and post-procedure consultations.
In addition to the doctor performing the examination, a nurse and/or a health care assistant will also be present in the examination room to support you. There is no need for you to fast before the procedure.
If you wish to change or are unable to keep an appointment for any reason, including having a heavy period, please phone the Women’s Health Unit on 01246 513224 as soon as possible so that your appointment can be offered to another patient.
On the day of your appointment if you are on your period and the bleeding is more than light, please call the Women’s Health Unit to discuss, it does not necessarily mean you will need to cancel your appointment.
Saline is used to see inside the lining of the womb, you may feel wet. The procedure usually lasts for 10-15 minutes and is quick, safe and carried out with little pain or discomfort. However, everyone’s experience of pain is different, and some may find the procedure painful.
If it is too painful, speak to your clinician who can stop the procedure and offer local anaesthetic.
The patient information leaflet you are given at booking provides you with further information about the hysteroscopy procedure, its side effects and possible complications
Some patients may experience discomfort or pain in their lower abdomen during and after the procedure, taking painkillers before the hysteroscopy helps to reduce this. Most patients manage without the local anaesthetic injection however it is an option for pain relief if necessary.
Patients are advised to take two paracetamol tablets and/pr 400mgs of Ibuprofen an hour before their appointment for pain relief. Administration of local anaesthetic injection into the neck of the womb may be necessary for some patients. Entonox (gas & air) is also available if needed.
Biopsy from the lining of the womb is usually taken after the camera examination and most patients experience some degree of pain during this. Taking oral painkillers before the hysteroscopy may help to reduce it but the local anaesthetic injection at the neck of the womb has minimal or no effect on the pain experienced during the biopsy itself.
The doctor who performed the hysteroscopy will inform you of the findings and may discuss with you the appropriate treatment options or may refer you back to your consultant to agree on a plan of management for your particular problem. If pathology, such a polyps, is found inside your womb, the doctor may recommend admission to hospital at a later date as a day-case patient for its removal under a general anaesthetic.
You may drive home after the procedure and take paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain relief if required. We will inform you of the result of the biopsy by letter and it may take up to 6 weeks