The Gastroenterology and Hepatology department at Chesterfield Royal Hospital provides the following services:
- New patient clinics to investigate patients with symptoms suggestive of gastroenterological and liver conditions
- Follow-up of patients with chronic gastrointestinal and liver conditions including dedicated clinics for patients with Inflammatory Bowel disease and liver disease. These clinics are undertaken by a dedicated team of consultants and specialist nurses with support from dieticians, pharmacists and surgeons when required.
- In-patient services in a dedicated ward for acutely unwell patients with gastroenterological and liver conditions including patients with acute gastrointestinal bleeding, acute flares of inflammatory bowel disease, liver failure, eating disorders and complications of Gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary cancers.
- Upper and lower endoscopy procedures in a dedicated unit to allow examinations of the upper and lower digestive tracts including removal of precancerous polyps, treatment of intestinal obstruction and bleeding problems within these areas and endoscopic procedures to remove gallstones from the bile duct.
- A day case unit where GI physiology procedures and GI procedures requiring a short period of stay within the hospital are undertaken, such as liver biopsies, iron infusions and treatments requiring intravenous infusions.
- A capsule endoscopy service providing a minimally invasive examination of the GI tract using pillcams.
- A Fibroscan service providing non-invasive measurements of liver fibrosis
Our Team
- Six Gastroenterologists specialising in General Gastroenterology as well as having specialist interests in Inflammatory bowel disease, nutrition, advanced endoscopy, liver disease and pancreatic and biliary disease.
- Two dedicated specialist nurses in Inflammatory bowel disease
- A dedicated Biologics pharmacist
- An upper GI specialist nurse/nurse endoscopist
- A Liver nurse specialist
- A nutrition nurse and a nutrition pharmacist
- The Alcohol Liaison team