Our Colorectal Consultants and specialised nursing team are dedicated to providing compassionate, individually-tailored patient-centred care. The team are supported by a wider multi-disciplinary team that works closely together to provide an accurate and timely diagnosis.

Our colorectal surgery service provides a full range of diagnostic tests, scans, outpatient consultations and treatments for patients with symptoms suggestive of benign and malignant diseases of the lower gastrointestinal tract (small and large bowel) including colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease and anorectal conditions such as haemorrhoids.

The treatments offered are based on the best evidence available and in line with national guidelines. Our service investigates patients who have been referred by their GP on the suspected colorectal cancer two-week wait pathway. At each stage, team members work closely with patients to alleviate any physical or emotional stress they may experience.

We aim to provide high-quality, patient-centred care that is delivered within a supportive environment by a team of experts, who are all specialists within their own field. We pride ourselves on providing patients with suitable and timely information to enable them to make appropriate decisions and informed choices regarding their treatment.

Patients are referred to the Service via a number of routes and taking into account their symptoms and co-existing conditions, referrals are directed to the appropriate step to be sure that diagnosis is safe and timely.

You may be invited to attend a clinic appointment or be invited to attend via our straight-to-test service in the endoscopy department.

Outpatient attendances usually last for 15-20 minutes but you should plan to be at the hospital for longer. Depending on symptoms, many patients are offered further investigations which can be telescope tests in the endoscopy department or scans.

You will be seen by one of the specialist colorectal cancer specialist surgeons or one of the team. A full history will be taken. If your diagnosis is a suspected cancer, you will have support from a specialist colorectal nurse. The consultant may need to examine you rectally and take some biopsies, with support from one of the clinic team members.

If you are invited straight to the endoscopy department this will involve undergoing a bowel examination called a sigmoidoscopy or a colonoscopy. 

The majority of patients referred via both routes can be reassured or given a non-cancer diagnosis after their first investigation.

If you have a suspected cancer diagnosis you will be referred for further tests which may include CT/MRI scans, and blood tests. Your case will be discussed with the colorectal Multidisciplinary team for a definite diagnosis to be confirmed. Following this you will be offered a face-to-face clinic consultation to discuss your treatment options which may include surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Please bring a full list of any medication you are currently taking to your first appointment.

We realise that this can be a stressful time for patients and their families and we aim to ensure that every patient who receives a new diagnosis of likely cancer will be able to meet with a Cancer Nurse Specialist (CNS) at the time that diagnosis is given. The CNS will provide details of how you can keep in contact whilst your investigations continue.

Your appointment will last for around 15-20 minutes and a follow-up appointment will last around 10 minutes. We do recognise that some patients may need more time and patients can have queries so this can be flexible.


Further tests are frequently necessary after the initial diagnosis, and we will ensure that these are completed as quickly as possible. We can keep you informed by telephone or by clinic review. We are happy to follow whichever method you prefer.

The tests vary depending on the type and stage of cancer and we realise that the period whilst these are completed is often stressful. However, to be able to offer the best treatment, investigations must be performed. Patients suspected of having cancer are given the highest priority and their tests are completed as soon as possible. It is unlikely that any cancer will spread significantly during this period and so the chances of successful treatment are not reduced by the time which it takes to be fully staged.

Some treatment (such as radiotherapy) is usually offered in Sheffield; it may be that once your investigations are complete, your next appointment will be at another hospital. If this is the case, we will inform you accordingly.

We aim to avoid unnecessary delay but we are always happy to see you again at Chesterfield if you prefer to discuss things further before visiting Sheffield.

Yes, please do.

We appreciate the need for patients to be fully supported and our aim is to enable this whenever possible. Please be aware that our consultation rooms are often small and we cannot accommodate large numbers of family members or friends under normal circumstances.

It is helpful if you can ensure that you are accompanied by the same family member or friend on each attendance.

Please note, even under non-pandemic conditions, relatives or friends are not able to be present whilst endoscopy, CT or MRI scans are performed.

If you are being referred for the first time then the central booking team can change your appointment, contact New Outpatient Appointments on 01246 512673

If you have had a diagnosis and are due to see either the Consultant or specialist nurse, then the specialist nursing team can help you with the change. Please see your appointment letter for the contact details.