Nightingale Paediatric Ward has a 20 - 24 bed base, to accommodate medical and surgical patients, as well as 2 x level 1 HDU (High Dependency Unit) bed spaces available.
The ward takes patients from 1 day of age and can also admit up to a young person’s 17th Birthday.
Nightingale Ward is staffed by Paediatric Registered Nurses and Paediatric Doctors but also has specialist teams attend to see their patients who may also be on the children’s ward such as Surgical, Orthopaedic or Ear, Nose and Throat.

The Paediatric Nursing Team is also supported by Play Therapists and Healthcare Assistants to care for babies, children, and young people.
The Chesterfield Royal Hospital Paediatric Consultant workforce covers our acute Paediatric Ward and Neonatal Unit.
Nightingale Ward has a day case bay which offers booked day case admissions for surgical and medical procedures Monday to Friday.