Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have the right to access information held about you within health records which is held by Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and this is known as a Subject Access Request.
A health record contains details about your mental and physical health that have been recorded by a healthcare professional as part of your care and treatment.
If you want to see your health records, you don't have to explain why.
Please note that there is a separate application process for access to health records from:
- Solicitors / Legal Firms
- Police forces
- Ambulance services
- Other professional organisations
If you wish to access health records on behalf of a patient from the above organisations, contact the Patient Records Data Office (PRDO).
Patient Records Data Office
Chesterfield Royal Hospital,
S44 5BL
Email: crhft.
Telephone: 01246 513 262
If you are a Law Firm requesting copies of medical records - please direct your application to crhft.
If you are a member of the public who would like copies of medical records – please direct your application to crhft.access@nhs.net.
You can make a request in a number of ways - you can e-mail, write or telephone us. To ensure that we can locate the correct records you require, we ask that you complete an application form.
Alternatively, please contact us by email or by writing to:
Access to Healthcare Records Coordinator
Clinical Standards and Governance Directorate,
Chesterfield Royal Hospital,
S44 5BL
Please mark your envelope: Access to Health Records
Yes, this is extremely important.
We are obliged to confirm the identity of any person making a request for access to health records and our deadline to disclose health records does not begin until we receive these documents (and potentially further documents - i.e. if you are applying on behalf of a child or deceased person).
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, we have a calendar month from the day after receiving all documentation (please see section above) and this is known as the relevant time. The calendar month will end on the same date in the following month. If there isn’t a corresponding date in the following month, then the disclosure date reverts to the last day of the following month. If this date falls on a bank holiday or a weekend then the disclosure date is moved to the next working day.
If your request is deemed as being ‘complex’, then under the Data Protection Act 2018 we are enabled to extend the disclosure date by another two months (i.e. three months in total). If your request is deemed as ‘complex’, then we shall let you know as soon as possible and in any event, within the first 28 days.
The Trust will decide if your request should be approved. They can refuse your request if, for example, they believe that releasing the information may cause serious harm to your physical or mental health or that of another person.
In the majority of cases there will not be a fee, however under the Data Protection Act 2018, if your request is deemed to be ‘excessive’, then we are able to charge a fee. An example of an ‘excessive’ request is a request which is identical to a request which was provided previously. We would contact you and request a fee and the relevant time would not begin until we received the fee.
Another person, such as a solicitor/legal representation can only access your health records if you authorise them to do so. For more information, see 'Can I access someone else’s health records?'.
Certain persons can access the health records of a deceased person and this is pursuant to the Access to Health Records Act (1990). Our application form and information for patients leaflet explains the circumstances in detail and for further information, please see: 'Can I access the medical records (health records) of someone who has died?'
You can make a Subject Access Request (SAR) about any information held about you. If you want to do this - just follow the same instructions noted above and your request will be passed on to the appropriate person.
For further information, please see our Access to Health Records leaflet.